DIY Sled Pull
Are you missing hiking? I am.
Honestly whether it is because we are currently mandated to recreate within a 10-mile radius from home o
r if it just happens to be the middle of the week and I can’t get to a place with much elevation gain, I miss hiking.
A sled pull is a great way to simulate the rhythm, flow, and stimulus of hiking. Hey, you still get to be outdoors, it just may be houses instead of trees surrounding you. You do what you can with what you’ve got.
What you need
An old tire, preferably one not totally falling apart, be careful of any of the small metal tread poking out.
Eyebolt with nut and washer that match in size. No smaller than ¼” x 4” eyebolt.
Carabiners. At least 1, maybe 2.
A heavy-duty strap- Depending on how you would like to pull you will look for a strap to fit your needs. There are straps with handles and D rings. For example, these.
Or something like this for a belt.
Or use 2 straps looped back on themselves and attached at the tire and then slip your arms through like a backpack.
How to Assemble
Drill a hole in the tire and insert the eyebolt and secure it with a washer and bolt.
Attach a carabiner.
Attach your straps
Attach straps to your belt/harness.
The Hard Part
This next part might be the hard part. Go out and walk. Try a mile.
If you want to add weight to it throw in anything with significant heft into the inside of the tire. Try to make sure it is evenly distributed.
About a quarter-mile in you will get the nice hiker’s flow going. You may garner some stares or comments from your neighbors. Invite them to join you.