WHAT: Add multiple DAILY sets of pushup practice
WHEN: Starting April 8th for 6 weeks
HOW: Choose a rep number that you can perform without breaking form. Practice that number of push-ups multiple times a day (example: Every Hour on the Hour for 8 hours do 7 push-ups) Record at the gym or in this spreadsheet.
WHY: Performing small sets of things like pushups frequently gets the body more used to the movement equating to more ability to do pushups in workouts (like Murph). Done well these can reduce the risk of injury associated with failing form since the sets are small enough to do with great form.
Results will be tracked in the gym as normal, or available online via a spreadsheet.
We recommend slowly adding volume throughout the 6 weeks. A word of caution; Reps add up quickly. Think about what you would feel like if you did 100 Pushups in a workout. Doing 20 Reps every hour would equal 100 pushups after only 5 hrs. Repeating this day in and day out may be too much for many people. Choose a number that you know you can handle overall and build on it. Monday, April 10th, we will perform a set of Max Rep Push-ups.
At the end of the challenge, the same test should result in more pushups.
Also, Murph will be coming shortly after the challenge ends. This challenge can help to prepare your shoulders for that increased workload.