Starting (all over?) Again
Starting (all over?) Again First Week Back This week was my first workout back in the gym with a group. In some ways, it felt like starting all over again. Throughout the stay-at-home orders, I stayed active and engaged with the online workouts, getting in 3-5 a week. In that regard, I am not starting […]
Does Exercise Bore You?
Does exercise bore you? Or hard to start because in order to say yes to exercise, you feel like you have to say no to something else? Is it hard to see how to fit an exercise routine in your day or even feel excited to do it? Personalized Fitness As we are […]
Mechanics, Consistency, and Intensity in COVID Times
At CrossFit Banshee we continually re-visit the CrossFit tenet of mechanics, consistency, and intensity when we are helping our members decide where and how to progress in their goals. It is very tempting to make something over-complicated, especially in complicated times. We are in no doubt uncharted territory, not only in regards to navigating a […]
Have you Mastered your Hunger?
How hungry are you? As I work with nutrition clients over time, the two habits that they appreciate the most and struggle the most with is eating according to their hunger and eating slowly. On the surface of these two habits they sound pretty simple, even easy. They are tempting to breeze past believing that […]
Surface Level Solutions and Making Change Stick
Surface Level Solutions and Making Change Stick ♪Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (How to make them stick?) Ch-ch-changes♪ Thank you David Bowie… and you can thank me for now getting that song stuck in your head. What is a Surface Level Solution? A lot of what we pursue in life, especially as we get older, has to do with […]