CrossFit Competitor Membership

January marks the 3rd Anniversary at CrossFit Banshee. Just like everyone else at the beginning of the year, we sat down and looked for ways to improve what we are offering and how we can help improve health and fitness for our members. We are excited to start offering additional programs to help bust through plateaus and help you achieve your specific goals.

Introducing Pathways

One of the additions for the new year will be a membership option that includes specific pathways. Simply put, this is additional programming around a specific area. For instance, if you want to work on strength training more often and see you major lifts improve we have a path for that. In fact we plan on offering 4 pathways.


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That looks like a lot of weight
That looks like a lot of weight



Strength – Primarily focuses on increasing max strength by adding training sessions around Squatting, Pulling, and Pressing.  You’ll be pulling and pushing bigger loads for sure.


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Fran enjoys running WODs
Fran enjoys running WODs





Engine – Focuses on aerobic capacity by targeting top end speed drills, as well as specific volume training to help improve cardio vascular endurance. Want to run better or be better prepared for the CrossFit Open?…this is the path for you.



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Playing around with handstands
Playing around with handstands



Gymnastics – Focuses on more capacity for gymnastics movements by focusing on skill and strength for Pulling, Core and Pressing. This pathway will have you hanging from a pullup bar and hanging out in the handstand regularly and help you learn and feel the positions needed to improve these movements both inside and outside the gym.


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Olympic lifting can be fun
Olympic lifting can be fun




Olympic Lifting – Dives into the Olympic lifts (clean, jerk and snatch) and the positions needed to improve those lifts. The goal for this program is to have more capacity to move bigger weights and crush Olympic weightlifting when it comes up in our CrossFit workouts.






Each pathway will have a primary workout focused on a specific movement and accessory work to help solidify weak spots.

Each pathway is available as an $20 Add-on membership to the CrossFit membership.

CrossFit Competitor Membership

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CrossFit Banshee teams competing in Girls Gone RX
CrossFit Banshee teams competing in Girls Gone RX

If you’re not quite sure which pathway to take, or all of them seem to have an appeal we’ll offer the full package as our CrossFit Competitor Membership. This membership includes all 4 pathways and ROMWOD (our mobility path) as well as a 15 minute session each month with a member of the CrossFit Banshee coaching staff. We’ll talk about the goals that you are striving for and help you come up with a plan to utilize each of the focus areas for maximum benefit. Included will also be an online forum in Facebook to help share specific notes on training, videos to help understand the exercises and more. This new membership will be sure to knock your socks off and leave you gasping for air for $170/month.

We’ll be introducing a taste of our Pathways training this week and how we plan on incorporating this into our daily schedule to help you get better.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]



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