When it comes to fitness and the determining factors behind being fit or not, ONE word reigns supreme…CONSISTENCY. Flipping through the channels on TV and most modern media shows a great esample of how people are willing to make 1 time decisions in an attempt to make change. People are constantly buying into the latest fad or even worse going through the latest break through medical procedure in an attempt to get fit. These 1 time decisions rarely lead to long term change because the underlying issues aren’t addressed. Rather than making 1 big decision, fitness is generally determined by the sum of our daily decisions. Every day there are hundreds of choices that each of us make that feed into our very own fitness equation. In order to become fit these decisions aren’t difficult to understand, but they can be hard to get right consistently. To help break it down and SHOW how consistency is so powerful here are a few examples.
Fitness is determined by:
Consistency in eating whole foods that provide nutrients to support an active lifestyle
Consistency in eating meal portion sizes that balance macro nutrients that promote your goals
Consistency in drinking enough water
Consistency in getting enough quality sleep
Consistency in being active throughout the day
Consistency in pushing the body through vigorous activity like CrossFit
Consistency in finding solutions to reduce stress
Consistency in listening to how the body feels by pushing or backing off when needed
Consistency in adjusting your approach to any of the above when your goals aren’t being met